AI Enabled E-Learning by Nektar Baziotis – IDEAS Lab

ai elearning

Life starts with you!

All that exists would be meaningless for you without yourself.
What you decide now determines the possibilities of the future.

But what is your life’s blueprint?

The blueprint is the pattern and model we use to forge the foundation of our own lives and the living conditions of future generations.

Education is freedom.

  • Our parents and their parents fought for us having the privilege to be educated.
  • Our life is of ultimate significance – our worlds create worlds –
  • We started with traditional education and we elevated that.
  • We defied all the limitations. The Internet gets the opportunity for each one to come closer and be heard.
  • But above all, now whoever wishes to access knowledge and learning programs, they can!

Teachers have a voice. They have an opinion beyond the standard material of their practice.
They can dialogue with students and they have a strong say in their development.

With e-learning, we maximized the technological benefits. We have learning paths, video, PowerPoints, forums and we ask to make them apply to students.

But we forgot. The core of education is the student. This is our only commitment.
Finally, the moment came that we progressed in technology and the dream of artificial intelligence started having a life.
AI started reasoning and using patterns to make logical conclusions. In a fraction of time, we have results using Machine Learning or Big Data analysis.
We started profiling students, teachers and learning material, so we can understand the real needs of all of them!

We take a thousand possibilities and bring 10 recommended results to both student and teacher based on their needs.
We motivate students to focus on where they do not excel and allow them to access objective information.
Of course, there is a lot of concern about ethical AI and fear that AI will eliminate jobs. But weren’t those the exact words humanity used in front of evolution?

AI comes as an opportunity in education. It’s only logical!

Presented at IDEAS 2019, Los Angeles, California by Nektar Baziotis