7112 – Corporate Governance

Will explore theoretically and study the organizations world-wide, such as, multi-nationals and non-profit organizations, how the governance matters are practiced, in the area of corporate structure of rules, practices, and processes, to direct and manage. This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to gain an in-depth conceptual and practical knowledge and critical understanding of governance principles, roles and responsibilities, and its impact on organizational culture. Develop governance and leadership skills through critical analysis of board operational system and decision making.

About this course:

  • Corporate Governance: A Frontier Subject
  • Governance and Management
  • Theories, Philosophies, and Concepts of Corporate Governance
  • The Governance Partnership: Investors, Companies, and Directors
  • Models of Corporate Governance
  • Functions of the Board
  • The Governance of Corporate Risk
  • Board and Business Ethics
  • Governance of listed companies
  • Governance of non-listed companies
  • Board Membership: Directors’ Appointment, Roles, and Remuneration
  • Board Leadership: The Reality oft he Boardroom
  • Board Activities: Corporate Governance in Practice
  • Board Effectiveness: Building Better Boards
  • Board Evaluation: Reviewing Directors and Board

On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • demonstrate a critical awareness and understanding of Corporate Governance at the master’s level that provides a basis for developing and/or applying new ideas, often within a research context.
  • apply knowledge, critical understanding, and problem-solving abilities in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study (Corporate Governance)
  • assimilate knowledge and formulate opinions with incomplete or limited information, but that include a reflection on social and ethical responsibilities.
  • communicate their assumptions, and knowledge regarding Corporate Governance and the rationale underpinning these, to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously.
  • use the acquired skills to allow them to continue to study in a manner that may be largely self-directed and autonomous.
  • integrate knowledge from other courses of the master program and practical business and formulate critical judgments with incomplete data.

About Instructor

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 3 Lessons