With over 20 years of experience in all areas of higher education, Dr. Terry Farris is an entrepreneur, educator, administrator, and coach. He holds a BS in Marketing/Management from Fairmont State University, an MBA in Business Administration from Colorado Technical University, and a Ph.D. in Education from Walden University. Furthermore, he is licensed in Managerial Leadership, Business Management, and Business Administration by Colorado Technical University, and holds an Advanced TEFL Certification from TEFL Full Circle. He works as an instructor at Herzing University, a Subject Matter Expert at iDesign and Global Skills X-Change, an Educational Consultant at Pro Education Group, and a Brand Educator at MKTG, among other positions. In addition to his extensive higher education work experience, he is also the owner of two companies, selfhelp.one and FPC 93, LLC. Over the years, he has dedicated his attention to assisting team members and graduates to become skilled individuals from a career standpoint. While he believes skills are important, he emphasizes that they are not the only focus. He is dedicated to helping companies, people, and customers overcome the voices and doubts they place upon themselves. They say that “knowledge is power”. It will be difficult to overcome obstacles if you don't believe in yourself. Dr. Farris believes that it is his responsibility to become a better leader, to learn more, and to help individuals become the best version of themselves that they can be.