Romina Bulffer

Teacher Profile

Romina Bulffer



Dr. Romina Bulffer is a pharmacist (Univ. Morón) and freelance scientific consultant/proofreader with a Ph.D. in Chemistry (UNSAM/CITEDEF/CONICET) and Environmental Impact (UNSAM). Her research includes the Development of biomarkers for the presence and toxic side effects of the anti-chagas drugs Nifurtimox and Benznidazole. She has 20 years of experience in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, veterinary, medical products, and related industries, as well as expertise in carrying out internal (GMP, ISO, GLP) and environmental audits, training, and drafting of related documentation, among others. Since 2017, she has served as a professor and distance-learning coordinator at the UTN of Argentina (National Technological University). She is currently a professor for the UTN San Nicolás (Argentina) and UTN FRRe (Argentina) regions, and previously taught at UTN Delta (Argentina) and UTN Buenos Aires (Argentina). She has specialized in the area of ​​quality, having implemented several processes in various types of companies, as demonstrated by her professional career. Previously, she acted as Quality Assurance Chief at Laboratorios Ale-Bet SRL and Felsan SRL, as well as a Scientific Proofreader at Anejo Producciones.

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