Dr. Halah Faysal is an Educator, Researcher, Futurist, and both the Head of the Economics Department and a Professor at the Lebanese International University. She specializes in Utility & Sustainability, Web3 Gaming, Tokenomicsand NFTs Economy. Previously, she worked as Executive Manager at Reality Media, Training Center Coordinator at Computer Information Systems, and Customer Service Officer at Al Mawarid Bank. She holds an MBA in Business Administration from Lebanese American University and a Ph.D. in Major International Economics from INSEEC Centre D’Etudes Diplomatiques Et Stratégiques. Her expertise includes team management, entrepreneurial decision-making, micro- and macroeconomics, project tokenomics road-map development and preparation, blockchain, crypto, the gaming industry, Defi, DAOs, fiscal and monetary policies, team leadership, economic structures, tokenomics gamification, management, teamwork, project management, networking, financial model writing, dashboard creation, on-chain and market data analysis, digital asset security protocol management, and social enterprise.