Carlos Corrales Barallobre is a Professor at Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB) in the Mechanical Engineering Career and Head of the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, where he carries out teaching activities in hydraulic and fluid mechanics. He is a Civil Engineering and has an M.Sc. in Hydraulic Engineering from Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), as well as a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Universidad Santa Maria (Venezuela). Currently, he is a doctoral student completing an individualized Doctorate in Sustainable Development (USB). He has professional experience developing projects,as a Consultant at Funindes-USB, and as a Director of the Center of Fluid Mechanics and Applications (CEMFA-USB). Previously, he was a Vice President of the Ecoarchitecture Center (USB) and Engineer Researcher at the National Hydraulics Laboratory Foundation. He has professional experience in measurement systems, hydraulic systems, industrial instrumentation and control, geotechnics, single-phase and multiphase flow measurement and management, current measurement, and mathematical modeling of rivers and coastal areas. His main doctoral research areas are related to Sustainable Management of Water Resources, Sustainable Innovation of Technology, Sustainable Economic Development Models, Sustainable Business Models, Sustainable Public Policies, and Prospective Analysis.