Dr. Erika Severeyn Varela is an Associate Professor of the Department of Thermodynamics and Transfer Phenomena, the Department of Electronics and Circuits and Process Technology, and the Department of Biological and Biochemical at the Universidad Simón Bolívar-Venezuela, where she teaches activities in the area of approximate methods, data analysis, unit operations, bio instrumentation, and biophysics. Dr. Severeyn is also a Professor at Funindes-USB, EADIC, and VIU (Universidad Internacional de Valencia). Previously, Dr. Severeyn was an Associate Professor at Universidad Metropolitana.
Dr. Severeyn holds a Post-doctorate in Sciences, a Ph.D. in Engineering, and a Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering from Simón Bolívar University. Dr. Severeyn’s research fields are: biomedical signal processing, applications of heat and mass transfer in physiological processes, modeling of physiological systems, machine learning, event detection, and data mining.