Operations Strategy for Start Ups

This course is designed to guide entrepreneurs and startup managers on how to design their own Supply Chains (SC). How to answer some high-level and strategic questions across the value chain, starting with sourcing moving to planning, manufacturing and down all the way to logistics and distribution.
Mostafa Bakr · May 9, 2024

Some key questions will be addressed in the course, for example sourcing locally versus importing from abroad, making versus buying, going for direct channels of distribution versus going for indirect channels and finally choosing a 2PL model versus a 3PL model.

Other key concepts, theories and tools will be presented. For example: bullwhip effect, value of information sharing, mass customization & postponement of differentiation, handling demand volatility, value & risk mapping and finally, optimization-based procurement.

The material presented here is not invented by the lecturer, rather this is extracted from SC literature, be it published in Operations journals, SC textbooks or delivered in SC classrooms (masters or undergraduate programs). To link this content altogether, this course will be presenting a hypothetical startup manufacturing company, “The Factory”. The Factory is an imaginary company, which will change its operations, activities and production range whenever needed during the course to best describe the content in scope of the lecture.

About Instructor

Not Enrolled
99.99 USD

Course Includes

  • 33 Lessons