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Music Theory Comprehensive: Part 2 - Chords, Scales, & Keys
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Welcome & Overview -
Tools we will use in this course
Update! MuseScore 3.0
DOWNLOAD: Staff Paper
Chromatic & Diatonic ScalesWhat are scales, and why do we care?
Definitions: Chromatic and Diatonic
Ordered Pitch Class Collections
Chromatic Scales
The Major ScaleThe Whole-Half Pattern
Scale degrees and Tonic
Scale Degrees and Solfege
How to Practice
DOWNLOAD: Worksheet No. 1
Scales and KeysUsing major scales (writing a melody)
Melody Analysis
What does it mean to be "in key"?
DOWNLOAD: Worksheet No. 2
Major KeysMajor Key overview
What is a key signatures?
Identifying key signatures
DOWNLOAD: Worksheet No. 3
Chords!What are chords?
Song analysis
Building Triads
The Diatonic Chord Progression
Roman Numerals
Song analysis, version 2
DOWNLOAD: Worksheet No. 4
Dissecting TriadsThe inside of a triad
The third holds the power
Finding chords by half-step
Finding fifths by thirds
DOWNLOAD: Worksheet No. 5
More with TriadsDiminished Triads
Augmented Triads
Adding more octaves to triads
Chords on the Guitar
DOWNLOAD: Worksheet No. 6
Pieces for AnalysisAnalysis Overview
Analysis: Canon in D (Pachabel)
Non-Chord Tones
Minuet in G File
Analysis: Minuet in G (Bach) - Part 1
Analysis: Minuet in G (Bach) - Part 2
Analysis: Minuet in G (Bach) - Part 3
DOWNLOAD: PDF of full Analysis
DOWNLOAD: Worksheet No. 7
7th ChordsWhat are 7th Chords?
The 4 Types of 7th Chords
Major 7th Chords
Minor 7th Chords
Dominant 7th Chords
DOWNLOAD: PDF of Minuet in G including 7th Chords
Blues and the Dominant 7th Chord
7th Chord reference sheet
DOWNLOAD: Worksheet No. 8
Wrap UpWhat comes next?
Thanks & Bye!
Bonus Lecture
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