Global Life Science Internship Fast Track

Internship provides students with extensive practical and theoretical experiences to advance knowledge and skills. During internship student receive a well structured and mentored supervision to compliment real world challenges. Student during internship, undertake experiential learning with a organization of their choice to attain learning by acquisition of both broad & specific knowledge and skills in a work setting. Students are under direct observation and evaluation submit periodic reports according to the mentor for feedback and suggestions.Students also receive mentorship for the research project - submit a full detailed report and presentation, how to work in a professional environment, ways to communicate with the supervisor and colleagues at work. Further students will also write a reflection about challenges they faced during the internship and what were their achievements.
Pankaj Mehrotra · April 24, 2023

Internship a practical experiential learning experience for student through which student enhance theoretical knowledge and skills. Internship courses specifically studies a mutual project of interest to student and organization, sometime projects are broad with topics which can be specific as the internship proceeds. Further students receives mentorship from ICARUS AI Instructor and On-site / online supervisor of the intended organization. Students are able to apply learning from both Instructor and Supervisor to perform challenging tasks more efficiently to attain professional working, ethical conduct and communication skills. Students read research and review articles pertaining to the research project finalized and include the summary of the article in the reports. Further students get the opportunity to learn how to write a full report and present their work at a virtual meeting however students will be encouraged to present their internship work at local, regional, national and international meeting.

  1. Before Internship – AIM and Goals- Identity the aims of the internship and develop SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
  2. During Internship – Professional Work- Develop professional research project , work place plan, ethics, confidentiality and practices to employed during internship.
  3. During Internship – Future career plans- Student will working towards the project will identify the challenges faced and what were the achievements – discuss the future career plan with the mentor.
  4. Closing Internship- Student will prepare a full written report about their work – Big Picture, Aims, Hypothesis, Materials & Methods, Observations, Results, Conclusion, Future direction and reflection.
  5. After Internship- Student will prepare a poster and oral presentation to be presented at a local /  regional / national / international meeting and ICARUS AI meeting.

About Instructor

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons