
In this course, participants will be given the tools and understanding needed to build a fundraising strategy to achieve long-term sustainability for their organization. Participants will learn to identify key elements of fundraising strategies and how they fit with other organizational objectives, learn to use strategic planning tools to construct a fundraising strategy, appraise fundraising opportunities to determine which will be the best fit for the organization, recognize the pros and cons of the available fundraising options, and understand the importance of preparing an annual fundraising plan for each fundraising area, goal, activity, timescale, performance indicator, and resource requirement. By linking organizational objectives, fundraising targets, activities, and methods, participants will develop an action plan to put their fundraising strategies into practice. We will cover annual and ongoing fundraising strategies, capital campaigns, and in-kind contributions through activities.

John Porter · April 19, 2022

This online course will give participants the tools and understanding to build a fundraising strategy to achieve long-term sustainable for their organization, by linking organizational objectives fundraising targets, activities, and methods. Participants will develop an action plan to put their fundraising strategies into practice

About Instructor

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 3 Lessons